migraine nation

It’s that time of the year… the time when the weather can’t make up it’s mind and leaves me in a migraine/sinus headache hell for weeks on end.

I’ve had an off and on migraine since last weekend. A lot of it has been in my neck which makes me wonder if it’s also stress. Or the way I’m sleeping on weird pillows (my pillow system is all messed up and I keep making it worse by trying different pillows). Who knows. It’s probably a combo.

Tuesday last week I got a call in the morning that they were taking Mema to the ER via ambulance, she was having horrible stomach pains and throwing up – sounded like a repeat of what happened in March (which required risky surgery and a lengthy hospital stay). They called back a few minutes later saying she’d had a seizure. So everybody flipped out. I rode up to Jackson with Nana and Kristie. Of course with covid cases rising nobody could go in the hospital, so we all just sat in a parking lot for a few hours.

After a while my aunt (who was the only one allowed in with her) facetimed us so we all got to say hello to Mema and she sounded pretty good. Medicine they gave her was working. So we decided to head back since it seems like things had evened out (and… we don’t think she actually had a seizure, but that’s a long story). A few minutes later on the road we got the diagnosis – pancreatitis. She had to spend a few days in the hospital but thankfully it wasn’t a repeat of March.

Outside of that I really hardly have anything to post today. I’ve done basically nothing the past week. No work on Arwen or anything. Which means my plan to have her finished this year may be up in smoke. But who cares.

Chase had his annual inventory weekend so I was home alone Saturday and half of Sunday. Saturday I cleaned up the house a bit, got our other christmas tree down, and then heard the election news and basically spent the rest of the day basking in all the happiness I was seeing online.

I put the Contemporary and monorail up around the new tree. Need a new tree skirt. And a new tree topper. No hurry – I’m probably not going to get the ornaments out for a few more weeks. It’s a slow roll out of Christmas.

Saturday night we had stuff at home to cook but Chase was craving spaghetti. We spent a while trying to find a place nearby to get Italian to go that wasn’t Olive Garden (man it sucks our Macaroni Grill closed for no reason, would’ve made life a lot easier). Ended up getting Villa Castrioti and it was good. I have leftovers for lunch today.

Like I said I got the old Christmas tree down and set it up in our dining room window so it’s visible from the street.

I have a few more light strands to put on it but they are buried in the Christmas boxes I haven’t gotten out yet.

Look how yellow the tree in our front yard turned!

Sunday after Chase got done with work inventory stuff we went out to take pics of Jean’s house so she can list it. Then came home and Chase cooked ratatouille for dinner which was pretty good. And of course we watched Ratatouille during dinner LOL.

Like I said I haven’t worked on costume stuff at all the past week. (I did record tiktok vidoes friday night but most of those are still in my drafts) But I do at least have a couple of little things:

Chase got me a new ceremonial Leia necklace! From lapinkrouge on etsy! Maybe this will give me the kick in the pants to finish my sleeves. And I can throw my crappy falling apart version away finally LOL. Actually I’ll probably put the resin pieces up on ebay or something for like $10 if somebody wants them.

And finally I did get the last bit of photoshoot uploaded – Carrie pics!

Last bit of conversation goes back around to the pillow problems I talked about earlier in the post… I’d had 2 pillows I use regularly and I started to have some neck pain so I started switching things up which I think has just exacerbated things. That’s EXTRA neck pain on top of the normal neck pain, upper back and ear pain I wake up with daily. I saw somebody say pregnancy pillows are great for side sleepers so I found a few on amazon (and that totally fucked my ads for the last week) and one arrived yesterday morning! I had high hopes for it. But it was disappointing. First the cover it came with was way too hot, I’ll have to make something of my own. Second… it was too big. Like it was too long for me and provided no back support like I was hoping for. Third, it held my neck at a funny angle. Maybe it just takes some getting used to but I was overall disappointed. Chase is trying it tonight, I hope it works better for him.

Anyway that’s enough of old-people-talk for this week.

  • PatchworkPirate

    “Maybe this will give me the kick in the pants to finish my sleeves.”

    Naaaaaah… I still haven’t finished mine from last year. Maybe one day.